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Set Your Goals for 2010: Five Areas Of Success

 New Seminar 

Set Your Goals for 2010: Five Areas Of Success By Drs. Aretoula and Bill Fullam January 9th, 2010, from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM Set Your Goals for 2010: Five Areas Of Success is a one day seminar that is full of the fundamental elements for successful goal setting. It offers and explains the basics and the "Big Picture" for achieving Success and manifestation of your goals. The five key areas are the foundation for the Law of Attraction to make possible for you to realize your goals. In this workshop we will focus on the five main areas that are necessary and directly proportional to your desire and success in achieving them. These five steps also guarantee overcoming subconscious blocks that act as barriers and obstacles in your life. You will be guided to complete your goals form, program for them and energize them. The law of attraction is always in action, therefore it is wise to know the science behind it and have it work for you, not against you. Success is a process that never stops and it applies in all areas in one's life. Are you ready to master this skill? 

Fee: $75 prepaid by December 15th, 2009 and $95 thereafter. 

Location: Sheraton Mahwah Hotel, Mahwah, New Jersey 

Register Link on our website to register for the workshop. Please make checks payable to Dr. Aretoula Fullam and mail to: 

The Silva Method of New Jersey

38, E. Ridgewood Ave, #217

Ridgewood, NJ 07450


Tel: 201-612-8200


Reduce Weight with Your Faculties of Genius: Visualization and Imagination!

Do you know the secret of enjoying a beautiful vibrant body full of energy? It is not the exercise, it is not diet, and it is not healthy eating! All of these contribute, but it all starts with you! Yes, with you, the quality of thoughts you allow yourself to think, and the choices you make. Yes, 90% depends on your subjective experience and only 10% is related with external variables. So, yes, you have more control on how to look, and the body you want to have than you thought you have! Your external reality is directly proportional to your internal reality. So, by having control over what we allow to enter our subjective reality, we direct the creative force to create the result we want in our life.

In this seminar you will learn to become a master on how to use your inner resources to create your outer reality. The key to this seminar is learning to use your mind's power to work for you. Simply put, you will learn to do your thinking at the level of thought and your acting at the level of action. Therefore, you will learn to think at the level of thought, not at the level of action, as 90% of the people erroneously do! You will experience three mental exercises designed to eliminate unwanted beliefs and habits and the creation of a mental environment where you will apply your enhanced faculties of imagination and visualization. No more impulsive/compulsive habits of doing things you do not want to do. You will learn first to enter the level of your "Inner Consciousness" with awareness, so you are not hypnotized but fully alert. Learning how to use the power of your mind, you can reduce all the weight you do not want. In fact, just changing your thoughts, your beliefs and your language is 90% of the process and only 10% is physical action. The "My Ideal Weight Seminar" will guide you step by step to reduce weight and the use of the two faculties of geniuses, the faculty of visualization and imagination. Changing your view on how you see things will change your body to the one you've always wanted to have, without strenuous exercises, without long time spent at the gym, without dieting, and without following particular dieting products, without being hungry, without cravings, and without any discomfort. You will learn to use successfully the power of your "Inner Conscious Mind," which is the Power in you to make things happen. Once you learn how to use this Power consciously, your logical mind follows as a slave the commands of the Master Mind.

Regardless of your past experience, we assure you that using the Power of Your Inner Consciousness, you will be able to see significant differences in your body in 30 days from the time you start the program and maintain your Ideal Weight for the rest of your life without playing the Yo-Yo experience.

At the "My Ideal Weight" Seminar you will not be hypnotized; you will learn techniques, step by step at a relaxed level, learning first the power of the thought, the power of the language, and the power of the beliefs. Once you understand these, you will have them as your allies to work for you rather than against you! You will, in less than a day, learn mental exercises with ease and effortlessly to reach your ideal weight, and maintain it. By attending our seminar, you will learn that it is very easy to eliminate an unwanted habit and create a new one, once you learn to tap into the Super Power of your Inner Consciousness. It is a fun way to go and enjoy the NEW YOU without spending huge amounts of money on therapies, diets, and/or dieting products.

Please use the registration form on our web site to receive the early bird discount. Pre-registration is required since these seminars sell out very fast. An advance payment of $50 is required to reserve your seat. If you wait to pay at the door you might not be able to attend if no seats will be available.

Ideal Weight Series:


Ideal Weight

$ 150 early bird, two weeks in advance, $175 at door

$30 seating fee with preregistration
$35 seating fee day of seminar
$ 0 seating fee, if accompanied by a new student

Please make checks payable to:
Dr. Aretoula Fullam

We also do special seminars on related subjects let us know your specific needs.

Please call us at (201) 612-8200  for more details.

Send us an email

The Silva Method - Aretoula Fullam, Ph.D. - 38 E. Ridgewood Avenue, #217, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450 - Phone: (201) 612-8200

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